Pheasantry Club


Pheasantry Club, 152 Kings Road, Chelsea, London S.W.3

Heatwave9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th March 1970  ~  March 1970 Programme













Heatwave1st July 1970  ~  July 1970 Programme














Heatwave8th, 23rd September 1970  ~  September 1970 Programme




Heatwave14th October 1970  ~  October 1970 Programme






Heatwave10th February 1971  ~  10th March 1971

Heatwave29th April 1971  ~  18th August  1971

Heatwave @ Apple Music

Heatwave @ Amazingtunes

Heatwave @ Bandcamp

Heatwave @ Bandmix

Sister Simon @ Deezer

Rastus Ravel @ Deezer

Heatwave @ Discogs

Heatwave @ IndieMusicPeople

Heatwave @ Left and to the Back

Heatwave @ NumberOneMusic

Heatwave @ Reverbnation

Heatwave @ Roll Back The Years

Heatwave @ SoundCloud

Heatwave @ Spotify

Heatwave @ Wikipedia

Heatwave @ YouTube

Heatwave @ Vimeo

Audrey Landers

Boogie On The Bayou

Bright Eye Band

Chord Board



Jigsaw Puzzle

John Edward R.I.P.

John Edward @ YouTube

John & Samuel

Martin H. Samuel

Martin on The BBC in 2020

Sunny 'n' the Cut

Sweet Fire

Terry Shea

The Sensation @ BBC

The Sensation @ YouTube

The Vagabonds





45 & Movies


Rastus Ravel


Pheasantry Club


The Boathouse, Kew, Richmond.

Silver Blades Ice Rink, Streatham – photo: Brian Wellsman.

Maxim's, Soho - photo: Robert Stallard.

The Pheasantry, 152 Kings Road, Chelsea, London.

California Ballroom, Whipsnade Road, Dunstable - photo: Geoff Cox.

Starlight Room, The Boston Gliderdrome, Lincolnshire.

The Liverpool Cavern Club original sign.

Carnaby Cavern, 4-6 Ganton Street, London - photo: Danny Benjamin.


Pye Studios, London poster.

13th July 2016, Martin sticks it to the Heatwave brick, 20 rows above John, in the Cavern Wall of Fame


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